Magic. Image: Wikipedia
Put on your robes, grab your spell books, and get down to the Great Hall! It’s breakfast time at Hogwarts!
Warner Brothers Studios in London is offering two special Breakfast at Hogwarts event this summer. On August 21 and August 28, wizards and Muggles alike can head over to the studio lot for breakfast canapés overlooking the Hogwarts castle model. After tasty treats — that don’t include Hagrid’s rock cakes — guests will get to go into the Great Hall for photo ops. The whole place will be decked out Harry-Potter-movie style, complete with costumed staff and Pixie Puffs and Cheeri Owls.
After breakfast, guests will get to take a tour of Harry Potter sets and learn about the magic of the movies. According to the Warner Brothers’ website, “Highlights include the Gryffindor common room, Dumbledore's office, the Weasley kitchen at the Burrow, and the iconic Platform 9 ¾ that houses the original Hogwarts Express locomotive.”
Guests will also get to see the Dursley’s house at Number 4 Privet Drive and Diagon Alley, all while sipping a complimentary mug of butterbeer.
There is no word if Filch and Mrs. Norris will be patrolling the halls to try to foil mischief-makers.
Breakfast at Hogwarts doesn’t come cheap: $123 for adults and $97 for kids (based on today’s exchange rate, that is). But can you really put a price on magic?